Newcastle and Gateshead Clean Air Zone

A Clean Air Zone is now in place in part of Newcastle and Gateshead.

Charges apply to older, more polluting taxis, vans, buses, coaches and HGVs that do not meet the national emissions requirements. Privately owned cars are not affected.

You can check whether your vehicle is affected by entering the registration number on the government’s online vehicle checker.

If you need to pay a CAZ charge you must do so within six days of your journey. Find out how to pay using the official payment channels.

You can also find out about financial support if you want to upgrade your vehicle to a cleaner model.

Some vehicles are automatically exempt from charges and some may be eligible to apply for an exemption.

The Clean Air Zone covers most of Newcastle city centre, as well as routes over the Tyne, Swing, High Level and Redheugh Bridges. Road signage is in place on approaching routes and on the boundary of the zone.

The CAZ was introduced in response to a legal direction from Government which requires Newcastle and Gateshead councils to take action to reduce illegal levels of air pollution. Pollution is known to be harmful to health, with children, elderly people and those with existing health conditions most likely to be affected.